PBSM NBD Slideshow

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Sekolah Menengah Awang Semaun mempunyai ahli seramai 94 orang penuntut dan 2 guru pengawas.

Di antara kegiatan yang dijalankan mulai bulan Januari hingga Oktober, 1989 ialah:-

1. Memohon pakaian seragam persatuan di Unit Akli, Bahagian Kegiatan Luar, Kementerian Pendidikan pada 25hb. Januari, 1989.

2. 11 orang ahli menyertai latihan dalam bahagian membaca ikrar semasa Hari Kebangsaan di Stadium Negara Hassanal Bolkiah pada 1hb. Februari, 1989.

3. 8 orang ahli bertugas di Stadium Negara Hassanal Bolkiah semasa Hari Kebangsaan pada 3hb. Feruari, 1989.

4. 94 orang ahli menyertai latihan Hari Kebangsaan di Stadium Negara Hassanal Bolkiah pada 4hb. Februari, 1989.

5. 81 orang ahli menyertai latihan Hari Kebangsaan di Stadium Negara Hassanal Bolkiah pada 9hb. Februari, 1989.

6. 94 orang ahli menyertai latihan Hari Kebangsaan di Stadium Negara Hassanal Bolkiah pada 13hb. Februari, 1989.

7. Memohon pelatih dari Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Daerah Brunei dan Muara bagi mempelajari asas-asas pertolongan cemas dengan lebih teratur dan berkesan pada 18hb. Februari, 1989.

8. Memohon lawatan ke Ibu Pejabat Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Daerah Belait pada 2hb. April, 1989.

9. Menghadiri kerja Kebajikan Masyarakat gotong royong bagi ahli-ahli pasukan beruniform Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah / Maktab Daerah Brunei Muara pada 26hb. April, 1989 Taman Mini Perayaan di Kampong Parit anjuran Unit Akli, Bahagian Kegiatan Luar, Kementerian Pendidikan.

10. Memohon meminjam stretcher bagi kegunaan rentas desa pada 25hb. Mac, 1989 di Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Daerah Brunei / Muara.

11. 3 orang ahli mewakili lawatan ke Syarikat Minyak Shell pada 19hb. Mei, 1989 bagi ahli-abli pasukan beruniform Unit Akli, Bahagian Kegiatan Luar, Kementerian Pendidikan.

12. 62 orang ahli telah hadir dalam majlis penyampaian sijil keahlian dan kenaikan pangkat anjuran Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Daerah Brunei Muara pada 21hb. Mei, 1989 jam 2.00 petang.

13. Seorang ahli akan menyertai kursus pengenalan Asas Keno Pasukan Beruniform Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah / Maktab anjuran Unit Akli, Bahagian Kegiatan Luar, Kementerian Pendidikan.

14. 20 orang ahli persatuan telah mengadakan lawatan sempena Hari Antarabangsa menentang penyalahgunaan dan pengedaran Dadah Haram di Biro Kawalan Narkotik pada 26hb. Jun, 1989.

15. 2 orang ahli telah bertugas di perlumbaan Basikal dari Kuala Belait ke Muara pada 2hb. Julai, 1989.

16. Seramai 42 ahli telah menghadiri latihan perbarisan sempena Hari Keputeraan D.Y.M.M. pada 12hb. Julai, 1989.

17. Menghadiri latihan perbarisan sempena Hari Keputeraan Kebawah D.Y.M.M. Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Dipertuan Negara Brunei darussalam yang ke 43 tahun pada 15hb. Julai, 1989.

18. Seramai 66 ahli telah bertugas semasa perarakan majlis berkhatan Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah pada 3hb. Ogos, 1989.

19. Seramai 54 ahli telah mengadakan lawatan ke Brunei Shell Recreation Club Seria sempena pameran 60 tahun Brunei Shell pada 12hb. Ogos, 1989.

20. Seramai 35 ahli telah mengadakan lawatan ke Jabatan Pusat Sejarah pada 6hb. September, 1989.

21. Seramai 55 ahli mengadakan lawatan ke Ibu Pejabat Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Daerah Belait – Seria pada 10hb. September, 1989.

22. 11 ahli telah bertugas semasa sukan antara Sekolah-Sekolah dan Maktab-Maktab di Stadium Negara pada 23hb. September, 1989.

23. 15 ahli telah bertugas semasa sukan antara Sekolah-Sekolah dan Maktab-Maktab di Stadium Negara pada 24hb. September, 1989.

24. 13 ahli telah bertugas semasa sukan antara Sekolah-Sekolah dan Maktab-Maktab di Stadium Negara pada 25hb. September, 1989.

25. 30 ahli telah bertugas semasa sukan antara Sekolah-Sekolah dan Maktab-Maktab di Stadium Negara pada 26hb. September, 1989.

26. Seramai 10 ahli telah menjalani latihan perbarisan bersempena dengan sukan antara Sekolah-Sekolah dan Maktab-Maktab di Stadium Negara pada 21hb. September, 1989.

27. Bertugas semasa kejohanan Rentas Desa antara Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah dan Maktab-Maktab Peringkat Negara kali ke 15 di Sekolah Menengah Awang Semaun pada 30hb. September, 1989.

28. Seramai 18 ahli bertugas semasa Joggaton / Walkaton anjuran Kementerian Pendidikan pada 8hb. Oktober, 1989.

29. Seramai 7 ahli bertugas semasa pemilihan acara pertandingan pencak silat bagi Sekolah Menengah Awang Semaun pada 9hb. Oktober, 1989.

30. Bertugas semasa perhimpunan dan perarakan Maulud Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. pada 12 Oktober, 1989.

31. Seorang ahli perempuan telah menjalani kursus belia beruniform di bawah umur 18 tahun ke bawah di Kinarut, Sabah, Malaysia pada 26hb. Oktober, 1989.

32. Mengeluarkan borang keahlian bagi ahli baru Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Daerah Brunei dan Muara pada 26hb. Oktober, 1989.

33. Seperti biasa tiap-tiap hari jumaat bermula jam 2.00 hingga 4.30 petang ahli persatuan belajar secara teori dan praktikal di Ibu Pejabat Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah, di Ong Sum Ping.

Akhirnya diharapkan di tahun akan datang, Insya Allah Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Sekolah Menengah Awang Semaun akan terus berusaha bagi meningkatkan imej persatuan dengan lebih baik dan mempergiatkan persatuan bagi mendalami dan mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan serta kefahaman dalam berpersatuan.

Yang Menjalankan Tugas,
Awang Nasib bin Ismail,
Dayang Zaleha bte Haji Metussin
Guru-Guru Pengawas
Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah,
Sekolah Menengah Awang Semaun
Brunei Darussalam.
Tarikh : 26hb. Oktober, 1989.


Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Sekolah Menengah Awang Semaun diiktiraf penubuhannya pada 9hb. Jun 1983 oleh Ibu Pejabat Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Daerah Brunei/Muara. Ini adalah berdasarkan bagi tujuan membentuk satu persatuan sukarela di sekolah ini.

Tahun ini ahli kami mengandungi seramai 45 orang penuntut dan 2 orang guru pengawas.

Di antara kegiatan yang dijalankan tahun ini ialah:

a. Menyertai kempen kebersihan di kawasan Ibu Pejabat Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah di Ong Sum Ping dan penanaman bunga pada 1hb. Januari 1987.

b. 10 orang ahli Persatuan mengikuti pengembaraan berjalan kaki dari Belait – Tutong – Brunei pada 1hb. Hingga 2hb. Januari 1987.

c. Menyertai perbarisan raksasa sempena Hari Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam Kali Ketiga pada 23hb. Februari 1987.

d. 4 orang ahli Persatuan bertugas di Stadium Hassanal Bolkiah bagi pameran sempena Hari Kebangsaan pada 24hb. Hingga 9hb. March 1987.

e. Memberi bantuan dan pertolongan semasa perlumbaan rentas desa Sekolah Menengah Awang Semaun pada 28hb. Februari 1987.

f. Mengadakan lawatan ke pameran Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Sir Muda Omarali Saifuddin di Stadium Negara Hassanal Bolkiah pada 9hb. March 1987.

g. 15 orang ahli Persatuan mengadakan lawatan ke Daerah Belait pada 28hb. hingga 29hb. March 1987.

h. Seorang ahli Persatuan menderma darah pada 7hb. April 1987.

i. Mengadakan jamuan bagi ahli Persatuan pada 27hb. April 1987.

j. Mengadakan pertandingan bolasepak di antara ahli Persatuan dengan Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Sekolah Menengah Arab Lelaki Hassanal Bolkiah pada April 1987.

k. Mengadakan kempen membersihkan kubur Sungai Panga bersama-sama dengan pasukan beruniform yang lain Sekolah Menengah Awang Semaun pada 29hb. April 1987.

l. 3 orang ahli Persatuan akan menghadiri Perkemahan Kerja Belia Antarabangsa selama 22 hari di Republik Turki bermula pada 30hb. Julai 1987.

m. Seperti biasa pada tiap-tiap hari Jumaat bermula jam 2.00 hingga 4.00 petang para ahli Persatuan belajar secara teori dan praktikal di Ibu Pejabat Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah di Ong Sum Ping.

Akhirnya kami berharap di tahun akan datang, persatuan kami akan terus berusaha bagi meningkatkan imej persatuan dengan lebih baik lagi dan mempergiatkan persatuan ini menyertai setiap aktiviti yang sedang dan akan diadakan bagi menimba ilmu pengetahuan dan pengalaman dan berpersatuan.


Lapuran dari Guru Pengawas Persatuan 87

Awg. Nasib bin Ismail

Dayang Lina Goh

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012


By: Mr. Ong E. H.

Adviser: Cikgu Haji Taib bin Sulaiman

Teacher-in-charge: Mr. Ong Ewe Hock, Mrs. Lina Goh & Dk. Zaliha bte. Pg. Shahbuddin (Later replaced by Dy. Salmiah Ladi)

Exco-members: Chairman - Awg. Sablee bin Kalong (4A5), Vice-Chairman - Dk. Sarbanun bte Pg. Sarifuddin (3F), Treasurer – Mahari b Zainal (4A5) & Parade Commander - Ramily bin Bujang.

The Red Crescent Society was formed unofficially on the 10th February 1983. The society was officially installed on the 9th June 1983 by the Superintendent of Extra-Curricular Activities, Yang Mulia Cikgu Jalil bin Abdul Rahman.

Objectives of the Society

1. To impart basic first aid knowledge to the students.
2. To train and develop students’ leadership and discipline.
3. To impart civic consciousness among the students.

The Society has current member strength of 22. Ever since the initiation in February, the Society has carried out several activities. Among them are:

1. Hiking trip to Bukit Saeh.
2. An educational visit to the Brunei Red Crescent Society Headquarter.

On the social service front, we have served in various sporting events such as the School Cross Country Race, SMJA school sports, Sumbiling Walkathon and the Queen’s Birthday Parade, the opening of the Nation Satdium, Sultan’s birthday celebration, and also the Coming of the Independence Celebrations.

The Society wishes to extend our gratitude to the Superintendent of the Extra-Curricular Activities, Brunei, for officiating at the installation ceremony and also to the Principal of Sungai Kebun English Secondary School for his intense support to the society.

Last but not least, the Society pledges to abide by her motto:

“For the Service of Mankind”

at all times and are looking forward to more activities and social services in the near future.

(Catatan Blogger: Sungai Kebun English Secondary School sekarang dikenali dengan nama Sekolah Menengah Awang Semaun dan masih menggunakan nombor unit yang sama)

St. Andrew's School RC Club Year 2006 Report

This year the Red Crescent Club of St. Andrew’s School has a great team. We have 14 active members who come regularly to our meetings on Friday mornings. The club is headed by Mr Tiong and Ms Aminah. The members are learning basic first-aid techniques and how to deal with emergency situations.

During the month of February, we were very fortunate to attend a first-aid workshop organized by the science department. The RIPAS nurses gave talks on how to respond to an emergency and to assess the level of damage of casualties. Besides that, we had a number of regular meetings during the year where club members were taught basic first-aid, specially relating to sport injuries and sanitation. The members quickly found out that they have to make use of what they were taught. Just recently, our team were sent to the field on first-aid missions during our school cross-country and sports day events. These learnt in class and during practice. I believe, such exposures will become a valuable part of their life experiences in helping others in need and taking control of emergency situations.

Besides the seriousness of caring for the well-being of another, club members also took time to have fun and take care of their own well-being. In the beginning of the year, we had gone to Tasek Lama in Bandar for picnics, hikes and games which were both memorable and enjoyable for all. It is my pleasure now to thank the many teachers and students who have made the Red Crescent Club a success this year. Well-done and thank you everyone.

Prepared by Mr Tiong

Brunei's Red Crescent in Jakarta for regional development forum

Fitri Shahminan

Monday, December 12, 2011

THE Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) will join its counterparts for the 11th Southeast Asian Red Cross/Red Crescent Organisation Development Forum in Jakarta today.

Representing BDRCS are its Secretary-General Julaini Hj Latip (pictured) and BDRCS District Director for Brunei-Muara, Hj Suhaimi Hj Ibrahim, according to a statement prepared by the non-government organisation (NGO) yesterday.

The forums and meetings will discuss and share respective SEA Red Cross/ Red Crescent Societies' organisational developments and achievements.

It is also held to discuss organisational developments of each society in relation to the following specific issues which covered strategic framework; strategic plans to operational plans; organisational development and its role in emergencies; integrating youth in red cross/ red crescent activities; organisational development and flood operation in Thailand by Thailand Red Cross; and organisational development impact study.

Other discussions include organisational development following respective country's presentation and sharing each SEA Red Cross/ Crescent Plan Activities or Organisational Development for 2012.

The BDRCS was formed in 1997 and is recognised by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the international humanitarian movement that aims to protect human life and health as part of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the world's largest humanitarian organisation. The Brunei Times -->

Red Crescent concludes its training camp

Wardi Buntar

Monday, December 5, 2011

THE Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) ended its first "Exploring Humanitarian Law Camp" yesterday in a concluding function at the Taman Jubli Perak in Bandar Seri Begawan, in which 41 youths participated.

The Brunei Times interviewed some of the participants on what they learned at the camp.

"The activities were really fun. I wish the camp would have been a bit longer instead of just two days and one night," said Muhammad Sahlan Hj Roslan, 15.

The participant from Tutong district felt that the best thing about the camp was that everybody worked together in groups.

Another participant from the Brunei-Muara district saidthe classes that he foundmost interesting were the"International Humanitarian Law" as they taught theparticipants about the basic theories of humanitarianism.

"I feel more confident after the workshop, in terms of interacting with people, because of the games and programmes that they provided were all about communication skills," said Norali Izzam Rozaly, 15.

The District Director of the Brunei-Muara Branch Hj Muhammad Suhaimi Hj Ibrahim stated in his speech that "the main aim of the Red Crescent Society in organising the camp was to give an opportunity to the participants to learn that the most important role in society is to contribute towards the development and well-being of the community locally and internationally".

"I hope the participants have gained valuable knowledge and experience from all the activities during the camp," said the district director.

Hj Muhammad Suhaimi also added that it is hoped that the experiences and knowledge gained from the camp could be incorporated into group or other programmes that would be held in the future.Presenting the certificates was the guest of honour Secretary General of BDRCS Hj Julaini Hj Abd Latif.

Also in attendance were Regional Advisor for Asia Sukhdave Singh, Chairman of the Brunei- Muara District Branch Hj Murni Hj Damit, Secretary General of the Brunei-Muara District Branch Sheikh Hj Abdul Kadir Abdullah, District Directors and officers of the BDRCS.

(Top) Secretary General of BDRCS Hj Julaini Hj Abd Latif inspects the participants at the "Exploring Humanitarian Law Camp". (Center) Regional Advisor for Asia Sukhdave Singh from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) at the closing ceremony. (Above) Participants during a parade at the training camp. Pictures: BT/Wardi Buntar

The Brunei Times.

Reaching out to NGOs

Hadi Mahmud


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society volunteers demonstrating first aid skills. NGOs can be more effective in providing relief and support for the public with the help of technology resources.Picture: BT/Jin Shen

BACK in July, Brunei's nonprofits revelled in the news of an aid scheme aimed at supporting some of its operational costs.

While relishing renewed government support, announced during His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam's 65th birthday celebrations, NGOs still face growing demands for more effective contributions to the community.

The National Disaster Management Centre last month acknowledged the role of nonprofits as government's "key partners" in carrying out disaster relief activities, drawing participation from the Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society and the Brunei Four Wheel Association for its community-based disaster risk management programme.

The Red Crescent's first aid assistance capabilities, along with the Four Wheel Association's far-reaching capacity to access remote disaster-hit areas, will prove invaluable to government efforts in providing relief and support for the public.

Increasing recognition of NGOs' integral roles in areas such as disaster management, helping the disadvantaged, environmental conservation and spurring economic development means nonprofits need to be better equipped to handle future tasks.

This is where appropriate application of technology comes in. Having technology resources and know-how can exponentially amplify the impact of nonprofits and civil society organisations, and more importantly enable them to operate at their full potential.

Enter TechSoup Asia. First launched in Singapore and more recently Malaysia, the programme benefits NGO sectors in both countries by allowing players access to donated technology products from Microsoft, Symantec (the largest maker of security software) and SAP (a market leader in enterprise application software designed to manage business operations and customer relations).

Run by and for nonprofits, the Asian branch of the San Francisco-based international NGO launched its programme in Malaysia during Microsoft's Accelerating Asia Pacific 2011 summit in Kuala Lumpur earlier this month, which will see donated and discounted technology products delivered to qualifying nonprofit organisations through a simple online application process.

Recipients pay a small administrative fee to cover handling costs. A one-time-only registration is needed to get access to products from Microsoft, Symantec and SAP, as well as future donors. On top of that, TechSoup Asia will be adding additional content in the coming months to help NGOs make informed decisions about their technology plans.

Rather than contacting Microsoft directly, NGOs will work directly with TechSoup Asia to review and request the software they need. TechSoup Asia replaces the current Microsoft donations programme for small-to mid-sized nonprofit charitable organisations.

Including Malaysia, the programme has now been rolled-out in 38 countries, benefiting more than 40,000 NGOs worldwide. Needless to say, the inclusion of Brunei-based NGOs in this programme would bring them immense advantages, and the country as a whole.

We're still awaiting a response from TechSoup Asia on how and whether Bruneian nonprofits can join.

The Brunei Times-->

Pasukan PBSM SM Sultan Hassan, Bangar

Barisan Depan (Kiri ke Kanan) :
Ashruny bin Marak, Harun bin Othman, Asmawi bin Haji Ibrahim, Redzuan bin Haji Lisa, Ustazah Romaizah binti Haji Basir, Cikgu Kamis bin Munchit, Ustazah Hayati binti Haji Mamit, Ak. Akramin bin Pg. Haji Othman, Md Yussof bin Haji Tuah, Md Eddy Esmail bin Jaluddin.

Barisan Belakang (Kiri ke Kanan) :
Haniza binti Haji Jaidin, Rosmaryah binti Nispu, Chan Chee Leong, Norazlina binti Haji Maidin, Juariah binti Haji Jumahat, Karen Wong, Norazliha binti Abdul Latif, Ummi Kalsum binti Haji Momin, Siti Mardinah binti Haji Puasa, Rohani binti Dawat, Jumaiyah binti Haji Mohiddin, Salina Gor.

Subject proposed for SPN21, PKBN

Secretary General of BDRCS Hj Julaini Hj Abd Latif (L) presenting a certificate to one of the 41 participants of the 'Exploring Humanitarian Law Camp' during the closing ceremony on Sunday. Picture: BT/Wardi Buntar

Low Leng May and Wardi Buntar


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

International Humanitarian Law

THE Brunei Red Crescent Association hopes to propose the International Humanitarian Law into the SPN21 education syllabus and into the National Service Programme or Program Khidmat Bakti Negara (PKBN).

Speaking with The Brunei Times on Sunday, Secretary General of the Brunei-Muara District branch of the Brunei Red Crescent Society Sheikh Hj Abdul Kadir Abdullah said that the association hoped to introduce the Humanitarian Law into the education and national service programme syllabus to educate young people the importance of human respect and dignity.

Representatives from the association and the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) were to held a meeting with the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, and the Ministry of Education to bring forward the proposal yesterday.

"That's why we have a discussion how feasible this International Humanitarian Law to be part of our education syllabus and our Khidmat Bakti Negara," he told the paper.

Knowledge of the Humanitarian Law is important for young people, according to Sheikh Hj Abdul Kadir, especially Red Crescent members, to learn their responsibility of working on their feet to help the sick or wounded during accident, or disaster and wartime.

"More on less (to help them understand) we protect (and help) the citizen, the communities, the children...that's the most important thing.

"ICRC Regional Advisor for Asia, Sukhdave Singh, added that the "Exploring Humanitarian Law" programme helps bring out the humanitarian dimension of situations and is especially important now that youth are exposed to issues of violence and negativity through different types of media.

"Youth today all over the world, not only Brunei, they are increasingly exposed to a number of issues around them. Issue of violence among youth is one of them," he said.

"Students get an excitement in playing games, it's very nice to go in, to kill, to shoot...the target is...the more people you shoot, you win.

"He further said that the Humanitarian Law programme brings youth "back to reality" as wars and armed conflict are real and the programme brings into perspective the "humanitarian dimension at times of war".

"There is always a need to respect human life, human dignity at all times. Not only at times of armed conflict or wars but also in their daily lives. It's a value we get students to start looking at right in the classroom, in their community, in their family."

"You don't have to wait (till) when you are faced in situations for you to be aware of the need to respect human life and human dignity.

"Lili Chin, Programme Officer of ICRC, added that knowledge of Humanitarian Law applies not only for times of war and conflict.

It is a topic that can also be applicable for the social issues of youth in school such as school bullying.

The Brunei Times-->

Red Crescent holds flag raising

Adib Noor


Thursday, February 23, 2012

THE Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) recently held a flag raising ceremony to commemorate the 28th National Day, conducted at the Rimba II Secondary School. The event was the first of its kind involving members of the BDRCS school cadets from all over the Brunei-Muara district.

Thirteen schools comprising Red Crescent cadets were involved in the ceremony, totalling up to 300 members.

Honouring the milestone event was Pg Suhaimi Pg Hj Bakar, acting director of Co-Curriculum Education Department at the Ministry of Education, as well as the BDRCS President Datin Hjh Siti Hajar Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Setia Dato Paduka Hj Mohd Yusof, the District Director of the Brunei-Muara Red Crescent Society, Hj Muhammad Suhaimi Hj Ibrahim, and the acting head of academics of Rimba II Secondary School, Cikgu Hjh Siti Khadija Hj Damit.

The event's highlight was when the national flag was presented by Pg Suhaimi to Sargeant Saiful Arrifin of the BDRCS, who then instructed Cadet Officer Md Nurhamdillah to raise the flag.

(Top) The cadets marching with the national flags. (Above) The BDRCS cadets raising the national flag. Pictures: BT/Adib Noor

The Brunei Times -->