PBSM NBD Slideshow

Rabu, 31 Mac 2010

Kem Jati Diri Belia lahirkan belia mantap

Oleh : Dk. Ivy Malessa Pg. Ibrahim
Foto : Abdul Kadir Md. Tahir

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Ahad, 21 Mac. – Program ‘Outreach’, Kem Jati Diri Belia diharapkan akan dapat melahirkan belia yang komited, berdaya tahan serta mempunyai jati diri yang mantap, di samping lebih bertanggungjawab kepada semua perkara termasuk diri sendiri, masyarakat, keluarga dan negara.

Ke arah itu, Jabatan Belia dan Sukan (JBS) telah mengendalikan program tersebut bermula dengan sesi pendaftaran peserta terdiri dari para belia dari seluruh negara.

PESERTA Kem Jati Diri Jabatan Belia dan Sukan semasa ditunjuk ajar cara membuat pertolongan cemas oleh Ahli Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah.

Hadir pada acara yang berlangsung di Kompleks Sukan Air Serasa itu para pegawai dan kakitangan JBS.

Pada sesi itu para peserta juga diberikan taklimat mengenai tujuan, kandungan program, lokasi dan jangka masa program disampaikan oleh Setiausaha Program, Awang Nassir bin Pungut termasuk penerangan mengenai pertolongan cemas (1st Aid) disampaikan oleh salah seorang ahli Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah.

Awang Nassir dalam taklimatnya menerangkan, program tersebut antara lain bertujuan mendedahkan para belia kepada aktiviti agresif dan mencabar yang memerlukan keberanian, ketabahan minda dan kekuatan fizikal.

Ia juga bertujuan memupuk keyakinan diri serta memberikan kesedaran dalam mewujudkan semangat kerjasama dan rasa tanggungjawab terhadap diri sendiri, kumpulan, masyarakat, ugama, bangsa dan negara serta menanamkan rasa cinta terhadap alam sekitar dan alam semula jadi.

Selain dari itu program tersebut juga mendekatkan diri peserta untuk mengenali alam flora dan fauna di samping menghargai dan memelihara alam sekitar negara ini.

PESERTA Kem Jati Diri Jabatan Belia dan Sukan semasa ditunjuk ajar cara membuat pertolongan cemas semasa mangsa mengalami kecederaan di bahagian leher oleh Ahli Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah.

Program lima hari itu juga bertujuan untuk mengisikan masa lapang belia semasa cuti persekolahan penggal pertama dengan aktiviti-aktiviti positif, lasak dan mencabar.

Setiap daerah diwakili oleh 12 belia berumur di antara 16 hingga 19 tahun.

Antara aktiviti program termasuk sesi suai kenal, aktiviti keagamaan dan patriotik, kerja-kerja berkumpulan, mendaki bukit, Bar (abseiling), ekspedisi kayak, Malam Solo dan Malam Mac (Night March & Solo Night), halangan, permainan (games), ̀Orienteering’, sukan pantai dan kesedaran diri `Hidup Positif’.

Di akhir program para peserta program juga akan diberikan sijil penyertaan.

- Pelita Brunei. Sabtu, 27 Mac 2010.

Selasa, 30 Mac 2010

Exposing youths to challenging activities at Serasa camp

By Danial Norjidi

Participants learn the proper way of using a bandage

Participants learning how to help an unconscious person

The Jati Diri Youth Camp began yesterday at the Serasa Water Sports Complex.

Organised by the Youth Section of the Youth and Sports Department, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, the camp is expected to go on until March 25.

The camp is aimed at exposing youths to aggressive and challenging activities that require courage, mental toughness and physical strength.

It is also aimed at nurturing their self-confidence while also helping them to enhance cooperation and responsibility among themselves for the community, religion, race and country.

Other objectives include to nurture care towards the environment and to bring them closer and allow them to get to know the flora and fauna while also appreciating and protecting the environment and to fill the youths' free time with positive activities that are challenging.

The camp has 12 youths aged between 16 and 19 years old participating as representatives from each of the four districts.

Religious and patriotic activities, group work, hiking, abseiling, kayaking and beach games are just some of the activities being held as part of the youth camp's programme.

All the participants will be given certificates for participation at the end of the programme on March 25 at the Serasa Water Sports Complex.

- Borneo Bulletin. March 22nd, 2010.

Isnin, 29 Mac 2010

Team-building camping for school cadets concludes

Adam Radhi

Monday, March 22, 2010

A FOUR-DAY camping programme for uniformed associations in schools and colleges throughout the country came to an end yesterday.

Some 169 students who are members of six uniformed associations took part in a camping programme designed to nurture the values of tolerance, understanding and spirits of cooperation.

The programme is a joint initiative of the Co-curricular Education Department, Ministry of Education and Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) and was held at RBAF Training Centre at Penanjong Camp, Tutong.

The participants were made up of cadets from Brunei Darussalam Scouts Association, Fire and Rescue Department, Royal Brunei Police Force, Red Crescent and the Royal Brunei Armed Forces.

The activities conducted during the camping mainly focused building self-identity as a team, such as futsal, for the boys and netball for the girls, aerobics and a shooting competition.

The routine for most part of the camp was a day starting at four in the morning, and then congregating for morning prayers, followed by morning exercise.

Other activities included demonstrations and lectures on various topics such as fire safety, basic map reading and weapons training.

According to one of the participants, through the programme, they have gained much knowledge and experience.

He expressed his appreciation for the opportunities to interact and get to know the members of uniform teams from different secondary schools and colleges around the country.

He related that through activities they had learned leadership and administrative skills, as well as had the opportunity to build a better sense of responsibility, friendship and teamwork.

"I would also like to express my gratitude to the organisers for granting us the opportunity in participating in the camp from the beginning until the end. We are proud to have been able to go through the camp," he said.

To mark the last night spent in camp, the cadets enjoyed a night of entertainment, where a presentation of our rich culture was displayed.

According to the organisers, an important part of this camp is that the students put into good use their school holidays with activities designed to develop their self-esteem and personality. The camp was organised in conjunction with the 39th anniversary of the formation of Royal Brunei Armed Forces Military Cadet. It is also as part of the first Pre-Brunei International Cadet Exchange Programme which is planned to be held in March 2011 where the participants are expected to include military cadets from neighbouring countries.

Participating cadets during the closing ceremony of the camping programme held at the RBAF Training Centre in Penanjong Camp, Tutong. Picture: BT/Adam Radhi

-The Brunei Times. March 22nd, 2010

Sabtu, 27 Mac 2010

Uniformed groups end camping

By H Bat & Zai

ABOVE & BELOW: Uniformed team members and groups from secondary schools and colleges at the closing ceremony. Photos: H Bat & Zai

The uniformed team members/groups from secondary schools and colleges recently ended their camping experience in a closing ceremony at the Royal Brunei Armed Forces Training Institute.

The guest of honour who officially closed the camping event was the Commandant of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces Training Institute, Pehin Datu Perkerma Jaya Kolonel Mohd Tawih bin Abdullah.

The ceremony began with a mass recital of the surah al-fatihah led by PW2 (DSM) KT Haji Mahdini bin Haji Ismail. The chairperson of the camping event was Major Idris bin OKMB Haji Othman, commanding military cadet officer. A representative of the camp participants, Sjn KT Burhasan bin Bujang, spoke at the event.

-Borneo Bulletin. March 23rd, 2010

Majlis penutup perkhemahan pasukan beruniform sekolah-maktab

Oleh H Bat & Zai

Sebahagian peserta perkhemahan pasukan beruniform sekolah menengah dan maktab yang menghadiri majlis penutup berkenaan.

TUTONG, Isnin - Perkhemahan pasukan-pasukan beruniform sekolah-sekolah menengah dan maktab-maktab seluruh negara kali pertama yang bermula 18 Mac lalu kini berakhir dengan majlis penutup yang diadakan di Dewan Makan Institut Latihan Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei.

Hadir selaku tetamu kehormat dan menutup rasmi perkhemahan ini ialah Komandan Institut Latihan Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei, Pehin Datu Perkema Jaya Kolonel Mohd Tawih Abdullah.

Majlis penutup rasmi ini di mulakan bacaan surah al-Fatihah beramai-ramai di ketuai oleh PW2 (DSM) KT Haji Mahdini Haji Ismail diikuti dengan ucapan alu-aluan oleh pengerusi perkhemahan, Mejar Idris OKMB Haji Othman, Pegawai Memerintah Pasukan Kadet Tentera ABDB. Seterusnya ucapan dari wakil peserta perkhemahan iaitu Sarjan KT Burhasan Bujang dan ucapan penutup rasmi oleh tetamu kehormat majlis, Pehin Datu Perkema Jaya Kolonel Mohd Tawih Abdullah yang juga berkesempatan beramah mesra dengan para peserta perkhemahan.

-Media Permata. Selasa, 23 Mac 2010

Khamis, 25 Mac 2010

Kementerian Pendidikan sasarkan 9,000 pelajar terlibat dalam pasukan-pasukan beruniform di seluruh negara

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Jumaat, 19 Mac. – Kementerian Pendidikan menjangkakan statistik bagi tahun 2010 ini akan mencapai target KPI (Key Performance Indicator) 2010-2011 yang menyasarkan seramai 9,000 pelajar terlibat dalam pasukan-pasukan beruniform di semua sekolah menengah dan rendah kerajaan serta swasta di seluruh negara.

Menurut Ketua Bahagian Pasukan Beruniform, Jabatan Pendidikan Kokurikulum, Awang Jalil bin Pengarah Haji Kapitan, statistic tahun 2009 menunjukkan seramai 7,664 pelajar telah melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan pasukan-pasukan beruniform melalui sekolah-sekolah masing-masing.

KETUA Bahagian Pasukan Beruniform, Jabatan Pendidikan Kokurikulum, Awang Jalil bin Pengarah Haji Kapitan semasa berucap di Majlis Pembukaan Rasmi Perkhemahan Pasukan-Pasukan Beruniform Sekolah-Sekolah dan Maktab-Maktab Seluruh Negara dan Majlis Forum. (Foto : Abdul Kadir Mohd. Tahir)

Sehubungan itu beliau menyeru semua pihak khususnya pengetua-pengetua dan guru-guru besar agar dapat memberikan kerjasama kepada pihak Jabatan Pendidikan Kokurikulum dalam usaha untuk mendapatkan statistik pasukan beruniform masing-masing.

Beliau menjelaskan perkara itu semasa berucap di Majlis Pembukaan Rasmi Perkhemahan Pasukan-pasukan Beruniform Sekolah-sekolah dan Maktab-maktab Seluruh Negara dan Majlis Forum hari ini.

Pembukaan rasmi perkhemahan dan forum telah disempurnakan oleh Setiausaha Tetap Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Awang Sa Bali bin Abas selaku tetamu kehormat pada majlis yang berlangsung di Dewan Raya, Radio Televisyen Brunei (RTB) di ibu negara.

SETIAUSAHA Tetap Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Awang Sa Bali bin Abas hadir selaku tetamu kehormat menyempurnakan Pembukaan Rasmi Perkhemahan Pasukan-Pasukan Beruniform Sekolah-Sekolah dan Maktab-Maktab Seluruh Negara dan Majlis Forum. (Foto : Abdul Kadir Mohd. Tahir)

Forum yang membincangkan tajuk ̀Kualiti Kepimpinan dan Pasukan Beruniform ́ sempena Sambutan Maulud Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam dipengerusikan oleh Ketua Bahagian Keagamaan, Jabatan Pendidikan Kokurikulum, Awang Haji Sammali bin Haji Adam, manakala ahli-ahli panel ialah Pegawai Tugas-Tugas Khas Bahagian Dasar dan Inspektorat, Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ugama, Dayang Hajah Zasia binti Haji Sirin dan Ketua Kegiatan Luar, Jabatan Pendidikan Kokurikulum, Awang Ali bin Haji Ismail.

Perkhemahan selama empat hari, bermula pada 18 Mac itu disertai oleh 187 orang ahli pasukan beruniform yang terdiri dari Pasukan Kadet Tentera Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei (ABDB), Pasukan Kadet Polis Diraja Brunei, Pasukan Kadet Bomba dan Penyelamat, Pasukan Pengakap, Pasukan Pandu Puteri dan Pasukan Bulan Sabit Merah serta 35 orang guru pengawas.

FORUM yang disempenakan dengan sambutan Maulud Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. membincangkan tajuk ‘Kualiti Kepimpinan dan Pasukan Beruniform’. (Foto : Abdul Kadir Mohd. Tahir)

Aktiviti-aktiviti sepanjang perkhemahan itu antaranya, berlari pagi, menaikkan bendera dan menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan, senaman, perlawanan sukan, lawatan, persembahan hiburan dan latihan senjata.

Antara objektif perkhemahan tersebut di adakan ialah untuk menanam sikap taat setia kepada negara melalui pasukan beruniform serta melahirkan sikap tanggungjawab dan semangat kerjasama di antara ahli-ahli pasukan beruniform.

(Oleh : Bolhassan Haji Abu Bakar)

- Pelita Brunei, Sabtu, 20 Mac 2010.

1st Uniformed Cadets Camp opens

Guest of honour (C) with other guests.

Developing one's identity through sports, religious, safety, introductory military and recreational as well as entertainment programmes are the aims of the first Uniformed Cadets Camp for Secondary Schools and Colleges in Brunei, co-organised by the Co-Curriculum Department's Uniformed Group Section as well as the Royal Brunei Armed Forces Army Cadet Group. It was officiated yesterday at Radio Television Brunei's Dewan Raya in Bandar Seri Begawan.

The guest of honour was Sa Bali bin Abas, Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister's Office.

One hundred and eighty seven members from six uniformed groups - Army Cadets, Police Cadets, Fire and Rescue Cadets, Scouts, Girl Guides and the Red Crescent - involving schools and colleges nationwide are participating in the four-day camp which began on Thursday and supervised by 35 teacher-cadets.

Also present were the Deputy Permanent Secretary (Core Education) at the Ministry of Education, Suhaila Hj Abdul Karim, and co-chairmen of the camp as well as department directors and facilitators of the camp.

The opening ceremony was followed by a religious forum entitled 'Kualiti Kepimpinan dan Pasukan Beruniform' or Leadership Qualities and Uniformed Groups.

- Borneo Bulletin, Saturday March 20th, 2010.

Tanam sikap taat setia melalui pasukan beruniform

Oleh Yusrin Junaidi

Sebahagian para pelajar yang menyertai perkhemahan berkenaan

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Jumaat - Perkhemahan Pasukan Beruniform Bagi Sekolah Menengah dan Maktab Seluruh Negara yang bermula hari ini adalah untuk mengumpul dan menyatukan ahli pasukan beruniform dari seluruh negara.

Perkumpulan persatuan beruniform diadakan dalam bentuk perkhemahan bagi menanam sikap taat setia kepada negara melalui pasukan beruniform, melahirkan sikap tanggungjawab pada diri sendiri, rakan seperjuangan, sekolah, persatuan dan juga masyarakat dan mewujudkan sika toleransi, persefahaman dan semangat kerjasama di antara ahli pasukan.

Perkhemahan pada tahun ini disertai enam pasukan beruniform yang terdiri dari Pasukan Kadet Tentera ABDB, Pasukan Kadet Polis Diraja Brunei, Pasukan Kadet Bomba dan Penyelamat, Pasukan Pandu Puteri dan Pasukan Bulan Sabit Merah. Perkhemahan yang disertai 187 ahli persatuan dan 35 guru pengawas serta pemimpin pasukan melebihi daripada sasaran jumlah penyertaan.

Sepanjang perkhemahan yang bermula hari ini hingga 21 Mac itu pelbagai aktiviti yang sudah dirancang akan diadakan antaranya menaikkan Bendera Negara, persembahan dan hiburan, senaman, lawatan survival tentera, acara sukan dan solat berjemaah. Pengerusi Perkhemahan, Jalil Haji Kapitan ketika membentangkan statistik penganjuran perkhemahan berkata pada 2009 seramai 7664 orang telah melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan pasukan beruniform melalui sekolah.

Berliau menganggarkan kemungkinan statistik bagi 2010 akan mencapai sasaran Petunjuk Pencapaian Utama (KPI) Kementerian Pendidikan 2010-2011 yang menyasarkan seramai 9,000 pelajar terlibat dalam pasukan beruniform.

Beliau juga berkata aktiviti sepanjang perkhemahan ini nanti akan menerapkan nilai kepimpinan yang ingin diserapkan kepada semua ahli yang mengikuti perkhemahan itu sejajar dengan matlamat penubuhan setiap pasukan beruniform di sekolah dan maktab seluruh negara.

Sepanjang aktiviti perkhemahan berkenaan juga diadakan forum bertajuk Kualiti Kepimpinan dan Pasukan Beruniform sempena Sambutan Maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW juga diadakan.

Antara panel forum yang hadir ialah Ketua Bahagian Keagamaan, Jabatan Pendidikan Kokurikulum, Kementerian Pendidikan, Haji Sammali Haji Adam, Pegawai Tugas-tugas Khas, Bahagian Dasar dan Inspektorat, Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ugama, Hajah Zasia Haji Sirin dan ketua Bahagian Luar, Jabatan Pendidikan Kokurikulum, Kementerian Pendidikan, Ali Haji Ismail.

Media Permata - Sabtu, 20 Mac 2010.

Rabu, 3 Mac 2010

Persatuan perlu ada program berkesan

Oleh Sim Y H

Antara mereka yang hadir di Forum Pembangunan Organisasi Asia Tenggara

Haji Abdul Malik bersama peserta forum.

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Selasa - Persatuan-persatuan kebangsaan diseru mempunyai program latihan yang teratur bagi pasukan sukarela mereka khususnya di kalangan belia bagi memastikan perkhidmatan yang mereka sumbangkan terutama di masa bencana atau mala petaka adalah optimum.

Setiausaha Tetap Kementerian Kebudayaan, Belia dan Sukan, Dato Paduka Haji Jemat Haji Ampal berkata, untuk itu, satu dasar kebangsaan bagi belia sudah ditubuhkan dengan memberikan tumpuan kepada penghasilan belia cemerlang yang mempunyai disiplin tinggi, bertanggungjawab, dinamik dan komited kepada pembangunan negara.

Di peringkat antarabangsa pula, Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah pula amat komited kepada menyumbangkan perkhidmatan sukarela, pertolongan kemanusiaan, bantuan kecemasan serta pengurusan bencana, katanya.

Dato Paduka Haji Jemat berkata demikian ketika merasmikan Forum Pembangunan Organisasi Asia Tenggara 2010 di Jerudong, hari ini. Teks ucapannya dibacakan wakil peribadi beliau, Haji Abdul Malik Haji Muhammad.

Lebih 20 wakil dari Persatuan Bulan Sabit dan Palang Merah Asia Tenggara menyertai forum yang dikendalikan bersama oleh Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Brunei dengan Persekutuan Antarabangsa Persatuan Bulan Sabit dan Palang Merah selama tiga hari bermula hari ini hingga 4 Mac.

Forum itu memberikan peluang kepada wakil persatuan dari setiap negara Asia Tenggara membincangkan perkembangan terkini di negara masing-masing serta berkongsi pengalaman dan amalan terbaik setiap negara.

Dalam ucapan itu lagi, Dato Paduka Haji Jemat menyatakan bahawa jawatankuasa kerja kebangsaan bagi bencana adalah Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Bencana Kebangsaan dengan Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Brunei merupakan antara persatuan bukan kerajaan yang memberikan perkhidmatan sukarela bersama pakar perubatan di pusat pengasingan ketika kejadian wabak Influenza A H1N1 baru-baru ini.

Beliau menaruh harapan supaya semua peserta forum dapat menggunakan peluang yang diberikan untuk berkongsi pengalaman, pandangan dan pengetahuan bukan sahaja terhadap isu semasa tetapi juga bagi meningkatkan keberkesanan organisasi masing-masing.

--media PERMATA

Tugas sukarelawan tuntut pengorbanan mendalam

Oleh Sim Y H

Teuku Alaidinsyah

Zuchairiah Lukman

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Selasa - Kejadian tsunami yang melanda Aceh pada 26 Disember 2004 bagaikan mimpi buruk bagi ratusan ribu penduduk wilayah itu apabila air setinggi 60 meter dengan deras menghancurkan lebih 60 peratus infrastruktur dan bangunannya.

Di samping itu, lebih daripada 270,000 penduduk terkorban dan ratusan ribu lagi kehilangan tempat tinggal mereka.

Tsunami yang disebabkan oleh gempa bumi di dasar laut sekuat 9 pada skala Richter itu tidak menyebabkan kemusnahan Aceh tetapi tsunami yang melanda berpunca dari gempa bumi itu menghancurkan bukan sahaja kehidupan tetapi menguji ketabahan serta keprihatinan penduduk seluruh dunia.

Lebih 10,000 sukarelawan dari Persatuan Bulan Sabit dan Palang Merah seluruh dunia termasuk Brunei menyertai operasi kemanusiaan dan bantuan di sana.

Sukarelawan yang berada di Aceh turut membantu tentera tempatan dan antarabangsa dalam pelbagai bidang termasuk bantuan kecemasan awal serta kegiatan mencari dan menyelamat.

Mereka turut berada di Aceh sehingga enam bulan selepas kejadian bagi membantu penduduk yang terjejas dari segi fizikal dan mengalami trauma.

Perkara itu merupakan sebahagian daripada pengalaman yang dikongsi wakil Persatuan Palang Merah Indonesia, Teuku Alaidinsyah ketika ditemui Media Permata pada Forum Pembangunan Organisasi Asia Tenggara 2010 di Jerudong, hari ini.

Menurutnya, selain bantuan kemanusiaan dan perubatan, sukarelawan turut menolong mendirikan khemah perlindungan bagi mangsa yang kehilangan rumah.

Seorang lagi wakil dari Indonesia, Zuchairiah Lukman berkata bahawa cabaran yang dihadapi ketika operasi kemanusiaan di Aceh merupakan bantuan ubat dan air yang bersih bagi kegunaan mangsa-mangsa.

Beliau menjelaskan disebabkan bencana skala besar itu, banyak kelemahan dikenal pasti dalam mengendalikan bencana yang belum pernah dialami di Indonesia sebelum itu.

Malah dalam menangani kelemahan itu serta untuk membangunkan semula Aceh, ia memerlukan pembangunan kapasiti menerusi pelaksanaan Program Pembangunan Organisasi lima tahun dalam pelbagai bidang termasuk menyediakan bantuan perubatan, bekalan air bersih dan pengedaran ubat-ubatan ke kawasan yang terjejas.

--media PERMATA

Aid agencies urged to boost capabilities

By Azlan Othman and Amie PDH Ishak

Hj Abd Malik, personal representative of Dato Paduka Hj Jemat bin Hj Ampal, reading his text of speech.

Delegates pose for a group photo at the opening ceremony of the Southeast Asia Organisational Development (OD) Forum 2010. - PHOTOS: AZLAN OTHMAN

"Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies are very committed to serving through volunteering, humanitarian aid, relief and support and disaster management. We cannot run away from disasters, which can be either natural or man-made disaster. Developing countries are hit hardest by natural disasters. But as national societies, you can help to alleviate the trauma and suffering of the victims.

"The tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia and earthquake in Indonesia and the recent earthquake in Haiti and two days ago the devastating earthquake in Chile, all require disaster management - humanitarian relief and support by local and International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies."

This was stated by Hj Abd Malik Hj Muhammad on behalf of Dato Paduka Hj Jemat bin Hj Ampal, the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, at the opening ceremony of the Southeast Asia Organisational Development (OD) Forum 2010 held at LR ASMA Hotel in Jerudong.

"In Brunei, there is a national level working committee known as the National Disaster Management Committee (NDMC) and the Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society was one of the NGOs providing volunteer services with other health professionals at the quarantine centre during the recent H1N1 outbreak.

"I hope this forum will provide an opportunity for each National Society, especially Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent, to share their diverse experiences, perspectives and knowledge not only on the issues discussed but also for the enhancement of every organisation.

"We look forward to the many deliberations towards the further strengthening of more strategic organisational development capabilities, resulting in better-organised and well-coordinated national societies with strengthened capabilities in communication, coordination and sharing of information and expertise among national societies inter and intra regionally.

"This year's Organisational Development Forum has been given the theme 'Strategy 2020: Saving Lives, Changing Minds', and this year's forum will be focussing on three major areas of group discussions, namely, Humanitarian Diplomacy, Volunteering and HQ/Branch Relationship and Decentralisation. These are very important issues for strategic development of national societies with well-developed and pro-active human resource or manpower required for saving lives in times of catastrophe and at the same time practising humanitarian diplomacy with crucial commitment to uphold the seven fundamental principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movements of Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary, Unity and Universality.

"Volunteers, in particular youth members are a great asset to any NGOs (Non-Government Organisations). In order to maximise their contribution, particularly in times of disaster or catastrophe, it is crucial that national societies have very well-structured training programmes in volunteering," he said.

The two-day forum brings together participants from 14 Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies, namely, from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Sweden, Timor Leste, Thailand, IFRC (International Federation Red Cross/Red Crescent) Bangkok Regional Office and the International Committee of the Cross (ICRC).

"The forum will provide an opportunity for each of us from our respective country and national society to share our diverse experiences, perspectives and knowledge about issues to be discussed at this forum. For us, it is definitely an added value to our organisational development strategic planning and for future directions of the Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society," said Hj Julaini Latip, Chairman of the Organisational Development Forum 2010. The forum is an annual event and this is the first time that Brunei Darussalam is the host country.

--Borneo Bulletin

Red Crescent delegates share their tsunami experiences

Azlan Othman and Amie PDH Ishak Mar 3rd, 2010

Two Indonesian Red Crescent delegates currently in Brunei to attend the Southeast Asia Organisational Development Forum shared their views on Tsunami that struck Aceh in December 2004.

Mr Teuku (R) and Ms Zuchairiah speaking to the Bulletin

Mr Teuku Alaidinsyah said it was on Dec 26, 2004 at around 7.20am that 9.0 richter scale earthquake triggered 50-60 metre waves (or two coconut trees high) and destroyed two-third of Aceh, Malabu, Aceh Jaya and other districts.

Some 270,000 people died in the earthquake which also damaged the infrastructures. The Red Crescent and the Indonesian army were alerted and ordered to evacuate the corpses. On the second day, volunteers came from all over the world to help including naval ships from the US, Germany and France.

He said some 10,000 Red Crescents were involved and took six months in to evacuate and another two years for the rehabilitation. They came from 40 International Federation of Red Cross worldwide.

Meanwhile, Ms Zuchairiah Lukman, Banda Aceh sub-delegation said during the forum here in Brunei, they discussed and shared views on evacuation of corpses, rehabilitation, reconstruction, psycho-social or to treat traumatic victims and reunite parents and children.

At that time, there was a need for capacity building to rebuild Aceh in tackling problems and utilising resources. In 2005, a five-year programme was conducted in Aceh as they never experienced a disaster of such scale before.

This year is the final year and the closing will be held in Aceh as well and an assessment will be conducted around 21 districts. Volunteershave worked round the clock to provide clean water, health, medicines which were dispatched to the affected areas.

--Borneo Bulletin

Brunei to host regional forum on organisational development

The Brunei Times Feb 27th, 2010

THE Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society (BDRC) will host the upcoming Southeast Asia Organisational Development Forum 2010 on March 2 at The Rizqun International Hotel to learn more how each country operates.

Thirty-two delegates including those from Brunei, will discuss during the forum how each of the respective Southeast Asian countries were managing their organisation. BDRC National Director of Development and Training Julaini Latip told The Brunei Times about the hosting of the forum yesterday just before a meeting between BDRC members to discuss and prepare for the event.

“The forum (is about) sharing ideas and experiences and how to move forward. Each society has its strengths and weaknesses. This forum will discuss how we can improve our weaknesses and share our strengths,” he said.

Julaini said that while Brunei is a small country and BDRC is a relatively small organisation, it definitely has something to offer. “For example, the public doesn’t know, but we were involved during the Influenza A (H1N1) outbreak in the country, directly or indirectly helping in terms of management by volunteering our services,” he said.

The Southeast Asia Organisational Development Forum is an annual event and part of the organisational development and capacity-building programme, supported by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Southeast Asia regional secretariat. IFRC is the world’s largest humanitarian organisation.

The forum, to be chaired by Julaini, will be attended by 32 delegates. Members from the IFRC in Bangkok are expected to arrive today to support the BDRC in organising the event.

This will be Brunei’s first time to host the forum, and Julaini wished to take the opportunity to publicly thank the IFRC for having the confidence in them to host the event and thank them for their continuous support in the process of organising the forum. The event will cover three main topics: volunteering, humanitarian diplomacy and headquarters-branch relationships and decentralisation.

“In the context of volunteering, for example, Indonesia, may pass on their experiences of handling the tsunami disaster and how they functioned,” Julaini said.

Humanitarian diplomacy refers to issues of human rights while the last topic targets larger countries with many IFRC branches to communicate better with each other and make them more effective.

There are 11 IFRC societies in Southeast Asia: Brunei, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam.

Selasa, 2 Mac 2010

Regional Forum For Red Cross Societies Kicks Off

Written by Amir Noor
Wednesday, 03 March 2010 07:29

Bandar Seri Begawan - Members of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) from across the Southeast Asian region gathered for the Southeast Asia Organisational Development (OD) Forum yesterday to share and discuss each respective country's diverse experience, perspective and knowledge about various issues to be discussed at the forum.

Brunei is the host of the three-day Southeast Asia OD Forum this year which is held at Asma Hotel with more than II IFRC attending from the Southeast Asian region.

"The OD Forum is an annual event and this year, the IFRC has given the Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) great confidence, and it's not only a responsibility but a privilege and opportunity to learn and be exposed further," said Chairman of the Organising Committee Hj Julaini Abdul Latip.
The forum will be focusing on three main topics with discussions in groups on volunteering, humanitarian diplomacy and headquarters/ branch relationships and decentralisation, which are very crucial and significant to the organisational development in every Red Cross and Red Crescent Society.
Also taking the stage to present his welcoming remarks was Hisham Harun Hashim, Deputy National Chairman of Malaysian Red Crescent Society and Board Member of IFRC. In his speech, Hisham Harun mentioned BDRCS as taking an active role as a member in the IFRC by hosting this year's OD Forum.
He added that in the past 20 years, the members of the IFRC that are most active are those in the Southeast Asian region and with this, he takes most pride in. He said that there has been a strong unity within this region which has presented many opportunities in exchanging experiences and better partnerships between countries.
Speaking on behalf of the guest of honour was Hj Abdul Malik Hj Mohammad, the personal representative of the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, who said that the three main topics up for discussion at the forum are very important issues for strategic development of national societies with well-developed and pro-active human resource or manpower required for saving lives in times of catastrophe.
"At the same time, practising humanitarian diplomacy with crucial commitment will uphold the seven fundamental principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement: Humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary, unity and universality," said Hj Abdul Malik.
He also highlighted volunteering among youth members in particular in order to maximise their contribution in crucial times.
"As far as the youth are concerned, Brunei Darussalam has developed a national policy on youth which focuses on creating excellent youths who have strong discipline, responsibility, dynamics and are committed towards nation building," said the personal representative.
Forum coordinator Aekarad Rakwanat told The Brunei Times that there will also be outdoor activities held at the Bukit Shahbandar Recreational Park for all the 32 delegates.
"With the help of the BDRCS and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, there will be sections of interactivity between the delegates and the locals as we will have activities in the Bukit Shahbandar area," said Aekarad.
"This will act as a break from constant talks and meetings, but also a good exchange of culture and knowledge," he added.
The forum will be held for three days and will end on March 4 at the Asma Hotel in Jerudong.

LR Asma Hotel at Jerudong, the forum venue

-- Courtesy of The Brunei Times via BruDirect.COM

Isnin, 1 Mac 2010

Red Crescent Society seeks to boost its role

Zareena Amiruddin
Saturday, February 27, 2010

THE Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society (BDRC) is aiming to boost its role in the Sultanate by revising its strategic plan which include increasing the number of adult members.

BDRC National Director of Development and Training Julaini Latip said one of the main issues on the BDRC's agenda is to increase the number of adult members, perhaps by opening special voluntary divisions of the society meant for adults. Julaini estimated there are some 1,000 BDRC members, and said the participation had been great especially from youths in schools.

"The Ministry of Education has been so supportive and with their new SPN21 education system stresses involvement in co-curricular activities. Their policy is that each student must take up one uniformed activity," he said.

The BDRC was formed in 1997 and recognised by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the international humanitarian movement that aims to protect human life and health as part of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the world's largest humanitarian organisation.

The BDRC which will be hosting the Southeast Asia Organisational Development Forum 2010 on March 2 is also looking forward to revise its strategic plan after consultation and sharing of ideas and experiences with 32 other delegates. Julaini said: "Having gone through what's happening outside of Brunei (via the forum), we're going to go forward by revisiting our strategic plan and organising the movement of the society in the local context," said Julaini.

"Once we revisit the strategic plan, we can increase the number of activities. We are going to make use of issues addressed as additional input to expand and enhance our existing activities and existing organisational development," he said.

Asked why people should join the BDRC, Julaini said, "During the 2006 tsunami, the Indonesian Red Cross Society set up a 'family tracing' programme to help those separated to get back together. Why should you join? Because this society is about humanity. Especially taking care and looking after the vulnerable."

Datin Siti Hajar POKSS Dato Paduka Hj Yusof (L), BDRC vice-president and Julaini Latip, BDRC Chairperson Darussalam (2nd L) during the meeting at the Seameo Votech, Gadong, yesterday. Picture: BT/Yusri Adanan

The Brunei Times