Khamis, 27 Mei 2010
Jumaat, 21 Mei 2010
Put on latex gloves. Do the following in this order:
- Put pressure on the wound with cleanest material available (sterile gauze pads are best).
- If bleeding slows down but does not stop, apply more dressings on top.
- If bleeding still does not stop, elevate the limb.
- If bleeding still does not stop, apply a pressure dressing, tying the dressing down tightly but not enough to cut off the circulation. Keep the limb elevated.
- If bleeding still does not stop, put pressure on the brachial artery in the upper arm or the femoral artery in the groin. NEVER APPLY A TOURNIQUET.
If the wound is minor, after the bleeding has stopped, wash the area and apply an adhesive bandage or sterile dressing. Try not to touch any wound directly to avoid infection.
Ahad, 16 Mei 2010
Red Crescent Society calling for volunteers
THE Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society is calling youths and the general public to join the newly formed non-uniformed group of Volunteer Aid Detachment (VAD) a voluntary service under the Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society (BRCS).
Secretary-general of Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society (or Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Brunei Darussalam), Awg. Ismail Kassim, expressed this hope and welcomed members of the public especially youths 18 years and above at a meeting with the local press yesterday morning, Awg. Ismail said, the application is open to all nationalities in the country with a professional career.
Entry forms are obtainable from Awg. Ismail bin Kassim at Perstuan Bulan Sabit Merah Brunei Darussalam, Assistant Secretary General of Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society, Elizabeth Chiew at 8757689, Gopal Colour Photo Studio, No 14, Jalan Pretty Kuala Belait at 3331880, Golden Yellow Restaurant, No 245C, Jalan Bunga Rambai, KB, M/s MK Johan Enterprise Sdn Bhd, Block 1, No 7A, (1st Floor, (Right), Belait Light Industry, Gopal Colour Photo Studio, 01-31A, Ground Floor, Seria Plaza at 3227822.
He said VAD now has about 125 members, which comprise teachers, Civil Service Officers, nurses, doctors, engineers, pensioners as well as entrepreneurs.
Pic: Achong Tanjong
Meanwhile, the Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society is also planning to form a community-based Disaster Risk Management, said Assistant Secretary General Mrs. Elizabeth Chiew. Awg. Ismail said Brunei Darussalam is the 170th member of the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) and International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) since 1997.
He said Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society so far has about 2,000 to 3,000 members that comprise of youths under the Extra Curricular Activity (ECA) at all of its branches in the four districts.
Borneo Bulletin – Undated
Red Crescent calls for volunteers
Elizabeth Chiew (6th from left) during the 6th South East Asia Regional Disaster Committee meeting in Bangkok
“The Volunteer Aid Detachment (VAD) of Brunei Darussalam’s Red Crescent Society has set-up numerous form collection centres throughout the country for the convenience of individuals who wish to sign up for VAD, a non-uniform organization body.”
Assistant Secretary General of BDRCS Elizabeth Chiew Yun Fung said this at a press conference yesterday, adding that they are inviting every non-government organisation and National Society to participate as a team.
It is open to all nationalities, including professionals and expatriates.
She also encouraged pensioner, housewives and cleaners to join the team, as they could all play a part in contributing to the community, as well as share their talents and knowledge with professionals.
There are two options to choose from: Committed To 24 Hours Disaster Emergency Response Team and Free Leisure. Activities are under the four services of Disaster Preparedness, Training and Development, Welfare and Community Services, and First Aid and Health Care.
Participants must be 18 years and above, while students are disallowed from joining as they are under ECA uniform group.
To find out where application forms are obtainable, refer below:
Brunei-Muara District: Yong Ting Seng Tyre Company situated at A1, Ground Floor, Bangunan Haji Othman, Jalan Gadong, (contact number 2451339); and Copynice Marketing Services Sdn Bhd, located at No 4, Ground Floor, Block B, Bangunan Pehin Dato Haji Md Yusof, Spg 88, Kg Kiulap, Gadong (contact number 2238998.)
Tutong District: Department of Youth and Sports.
Temburong District: Department of Youth and Sports, Haji Ayub bin Haji Jemahat, Sekolah Menengah Sultan Hassan at 5221415/6/7 – Ms Foo Chuan Eng or Mr. Irman Hifni.
Seria: Gopal Colour Photo Studio located at 01-31A, Ground Floor, Seria Plaza (3227822)
Kuala Belait: Golden Yellow, No 245C, Jalan Bunga Rambai, KB; Gopal Colour Photo Studio, No 14, Jalan Pretty KB (3331880); MK Johan Enterprise Sdn Bhd located at No 7A, 1st Floor, Belait Light Industry; and Copynice Marketing Services Sdn Bhd, 098 C-1, Groung Floor, Jalan Mckerron, KB.
For further details contact Elizabeth Chiew at
Borneo Bulletin via – Undated
Ahad, 9 Mei 2010
Position of Victim
Sabtu, 8 Mei 2010
Henry Dunant, Pengasas Palang Merah
Buku A Memory of Solferino
(Klik sini untuk baca)
Buku ini berjaya menyedarkan ramai pihak terutama ketua-ketua kerajaan dan mahu merealisasikan dua cadangan Henry Dunant, iaitu:
Hasilnya pada tahun 1863 Jawatankuasa Palang Merah Antarabangsa (ICRC) ditubuhkan tanpa kehadiran beliau sendiri. Konvensyen Geneva 1863 (Konvensyen Pertama) juga berdasarkan cadangan Henry Dunant dan Jawatankuasa Palang Merah Antarabangsa ini.
Khamis, 6 Mei 2010
Memindah & Mengangkat Pesakit
1. Bagi pesakit yang sedar:
- berdamping sama ada dengan dua orang atau seorang diri
Bagi pesakit kanak-kanak:
- didukung
Bagi pesakit dewasa:
- gunakan cara yang bersesuaian
2. Gunakan pengusung / stretcher atau kerusi roda (jika terdapat)
Isnin, 3 Mei 2010
- Sakit di bahagian sendi yang cedera
- Kesakitan bertambah apabila sendi digerakkan
- Bengkak dan lebam terjadi
Cara Merawat:
R – Rest (Rehatkan)
I – Ice (Gunakan ais)
C – Compress (Longgarkan otot-otot yang kencang)
E – Elevate (Lipat)
1. Hadkan pergerakan anggota
2. Rehatkan bahagian yang cedera dengan kedudukan yang selesa
3. Letakkan ketulan ais yang dibungkus di bahagian yang cedera
4. Tekan bahagian yang cedera dengan satu lapisan tebal kapas dan balutkannya
5. Tinggikan bahagian yang cedera
6. Dapatkan bantuan perubatan